Signed the Google optimization project of the biological experiment consumables website of Chengdu Pace Optical Technology Co., Ltd.

Signed the Google optimization project of the biological experiment consumables website of Chengdu Pace Optical Technology Co., Ltd.

  • 03 09, 2022

Recently, Xiamen Jieying Network Technology Co., Ltd. successfully signed a contract 成都派斯光科技有限公司Biological experimental detection consumables (Biological Laboratory Consumables, PP Plastic Pipette Tips) Website Google Optimization Promotion Project. 合作网站: 首次合作期限:一年。 Outsourcing...

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Solution for too many redirects using Cloudflare free certificate SSL service

Solution for too many redirects using Cloudflare free certificate SSL service

  • 06 20, 2024

  What should I do if ERR _ TOO _ MANY _ REDIRECTS appears on my website and cannot be redirected correctly? 引起这个错误的原因,检查cloudflare的配置,可能有以下这三种情况(几乎都是http强制跳转到https或者https强制跳转到http引起的):  

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Link Publishing Process of Jieying Foreign Trade Enterprise Website Friendship Platform

Link Publishing Process of Jieying Foreign Trade Enterprise Website Friendship Platform

  • 06 18, 2024

杰赢外贸企业网站友情链接平台(发布链接大致流程如下: 提醒:只接受外贸企业正规站点/独立站。 一,注册杰赢后台账号,(已有杰赢账号和后台通用)。 二,登录后,第一步填写基础信息,按如下提示操作:   三,网站所有权验证,杰赢平台的站点,忽略此步。 四,杰赢技术员审核。 五,审核通过后,可在前端(获得展示,并获取专属介绍页面和锚文本外链。 专属页面标题: [网址] 锚文本 - 站点名称 示例:<title>[] China Electric Vehicle...

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How should Google SEO use ChatGPT/AIGC to create high-quality and useful content to avoid traffic clearing?

How should Google SEO use ChatGPT/AIGC to create high-quality and useful content to avoid traffic clearing?

  • 06 15, 2024

随着ChatGPT及一系列AI大模型的普遍应用,大量AIGC(人工智能生成内容)内容进入到了外贸企业内容营销领域,进而也深刻影响了SEO。与此同时,Google的应对措施也快速跟进。从2023年9月开始,Google便开始了一系列算法升级,以应对AIGC带来的影响。直到2024年3月,又进行了两次算法重大更新,对于SEO未来的趋势产生了深刻影响。面对AI趋势与Google算法升级,中国出海企业接下来该如何更好地实践Google SEO? Google算法更新 Google搜索引擎在今年三月做了两次更新,分别为 March 2024 spam update和March 2024 core update,如下图:...

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Teach you how to set up Google Analytics 4

Teach you how to set up Google Analytics 4

  • 03 26, 2024


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Is this violent promotion by Google SEO peers reliable and lasting?

Is this violent promotion by Google SEO peers reliable and lasting?

  • 01 17, 2024

近日,杰赢Google SEO推广团队发现,有某同行推广的网站的谷歌关键词搜索排名在短期内暴力提升。 我们分析了外链数据发现,是短期内疯狂搞外链(3个月时间内1000多个域名,1万多外链)。这种方法2014年就开始被Google摈弃了。 过去也时不时涌现出这种昙花一现的竞争对手网站,是昙花一现,还是AI外链建设的新时代? 谷歌排名效果是否具有可持续性,杰赢Google SEO团队会后续跟进观察。 原则上谷歌会公平对待这样的网站。 杰赢认为,做为专业的Google SEO公司,原则上,不能也不应该冒着被谷歌惩罚的风险把企业客户网站(域名)这么暴力操作一番。 does-crazy-link-building-works...

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Google Webmaster tool keyword click data is also inaccurate for reference

Google Webmaster tool keyword click data is also inaccurate for reference

  • 01 17, 2024

杰赢Google SEO团队近期在观察新站搜索数据时发现,谷歌站长工具的关键词点击列表的点击数据。和总点击数据还是有出入的。总点击数据是比较准确的。但具体到关键词点击数据的话就不太准确,总的来说,关键词点击数据之和会小于总点击数据。 结论:也就是说这个具体的点击数量是仅供参考的,不是精准数据。 下面我们针对一个新上线网站谷歌站长工具数据,做个具体的示例。 从上图可建最近总的谷歌搜索点击数量是62. 从上图可建最近详细的谷歌搜索点击数量之和是3. google-search-console-clicks-data-for-reference

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  • 01 02, 2024

对于兰地工业集团而言,2023年是极不平凡的一年,在国际市场大环境不是非常友好的情况下,兰地集团2023年全年开发新客户达到102家,出口销售额和新客户开发双双突破公司历史最好成绩。作为十多年来兰地工业集团的唯一外贸网络营销合作伙伴,杰赢网络全员为客户取得佳绩而感到由衷的高兴和自豪。 2024年,兰地工业集团公司将加大营销推广投入,正式成为杰赢网络第一个五星级客户(★★★★★)。我们感谢客户的认可和信任。将继续为客户提供最优性价比的外贸网站谷歌优化推广服务。 参考阅读: ★★★★★杰赢VIP客户星级标准★★★★★ landee-industrial-group-is-jeawin-first-five-stars-client

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  • 12 26, 2023

作为Google SEO全托服务公司,内容编辑也要尽量迎合谷歌优化规范,杰赢的英文编辑精英们推荐几款外贸英文网站内容文章相似度检测神器,是很不错的内容SEO工具。 1. Plagiarism Checker Plagiarism Checker是Grammarly一款免费的在线查重工具,支持英语、西班牙语和德语等多种语言。杰赢编辑人员只需将待检测文本复制到输入框中,点击“Check Plagiarism”按钮即可得到检测结果。 2. Copyscape...

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  • 12 26, 2023

作为Google SEO全托服务公司,内容编辑也要尽量迎合谷歌优化规范,杰赢的英文编辑精英们推荐几款外贸英文网站内容文章相似度检测神器,是很不错的内容SEO工具。 1. Plagiarism Checker Plagiarism Checker是Grammarly一款免费的在线查重工具,支持英语、西班牙语和德语等多种语言。杰赢编辑人员只需将待检测文本复制到输入框中,点击“Check Plagiarism”按钮即可得到检测结果。 2. Copyscape...

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  • 12 26, 2023

作为Google SEO全托服务公司,内容编辑也要尽量迎合谷歌优化规范,杰赢的英文编辑精英们推荐几款外贸英文网站内容文章相似度、重复、抄袭检测神器,是很不错的内容SEO工具。 1. Plagiarism Checker Plagiarism Checker是Grammarly一款免费的在线查重工具,支持英语、西班牙语和德语等多种语言。杰赢编辑人员只需将待检测文本复制到输入框中,点击“Check Plagiarism”按钮即可得到检测结果。...

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How do foreign trade enterprises view Google SEO?

How do foreign trade enterprises view Google SEO?

  • 11 23, 2023

谷歌是目前世界上最有影响力的网站. 对于国外专业采购买家来说,谷歌还是最重要的搜索供应商工具. 对于中国外贸企业来说,谷歌是最不能忽视的一个重要的营销平台. 外贸企业的独立站关键词在谷歌上的搜索排名提升,就变得非常关键. 谷歌搜索排名提升,就像是一场马拉松,是一个长久优化改善提升的过程. 这就需要外贸企业有长远的格局、周密的规划、和严格的执行。 寻找一个优秀的谷歌seo公司合作伙伴,是外贸企业谷歌营销成功的基础和关键! 恰巧,成立于2011年的厦门杰赢网络科技有限公司,就是这么一家经过时间和效果严苛考验的Google SEO运营公司! /wai-mao-google-seo.html

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How do foreign trade enterprises view Google SEO?

How do foreign trade enterprises view Google SEO?

  • 11 23, 2023

谷歌是目前世界上最有影响力的网站. 对于国外专业采购买家来说,谷歌还是最重要的搜索供应商工具. 对于中国外贸企业来说,谷歌是最不能忽视的一个重要的营销平台. 外贸企业的独立站关键词在谷歌上的搜索排名提升,就变得非常关键. 谷歌搜索排名提升,就像是一场马拉松,是一个长久优化改善提升的过程. 这就需要外贸企业有长远的格局、周密的规划、和严格的执行。 寻找一个优秀的谷歌seo公司合作伙伴,是外贸企业谷歌营销成功的基础和关键! 恰巧,成立于2011年的厦门杰赢网络科技有限公司,就是这么一家经过时间和效果严苛考验的Google SEO运营公司! /wai-mao-google-seo.html

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htaccess 301 Redirection Rules

htaccess 301 Redirection Rules

  • 10 23, 2023

可用的301重定向规则, 不带www的域名重定向到带www 不是https的域名重定向到https ErrorDocument 404 /404.html ErrorDocument 403 /403.html RewriteEngine On # ensure www. RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\. [NC] RewriteRule ^ https://www.%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301] # ensure https...

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Teach you how to register ChatGPT detailed registration tutorial guide

Teach you how to register ChatGPT detailed registration tutorial guide

  • 03 04, 2023

This article will teach you how to register ChatGPT: The latest Chat GPT registration strategy process guide ChatGPT是什么? ChatGPT的自我介绍 I am Assistant, a large language model trained by OpenAI. I can answer your questions and help you learn more about specific topics. I don't have my own consciousness,...

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Signed a contract for the English website optimization and promotion project of Suzhou Boshiwei Fluid Technology Co., Ltd.

Signed a contract for the English website optimization and promotion project of Suzhou Boshiwei Fluid Technology Co., Ltd.

  • 01 09, 2023

Recently, Suzhou Boshiwei Fluid Technology Co., Ltd. reached a strategic cooperation with Xiamen Jieying Network Technology Co., Ltd., a well-known company in the industry, and formally signed a full-supportGoogle搜索引擎优化(SEO)服务方案。此次合作标志着苏州博仕威在推进全球化品牌战略和拓展海外市场布局上迈出了坚实的一步。 苏州博仕威流体科技有限公司作为行业内的佼佼者,在流体控制技术领域具有深厚的技术积淀与丰富的经验。为了进一步提升公司在全球范围内的线上可见度和品牌影响力,该公司选择了厦门杰赢网络科技有限公司的专业全托Google...

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Google Algorithm Update: Helpful Content Algotithm update

Google Algorithm Update: Helpful Content Algotithm update

  • 08 26, 2022

杰赢网络紧密跟踪谷歌算法更新,并调整相应的Google SEO策略。 Google's algorithm for updating content this week: Helpful Content Algotithm update(有用的内容算法更新) 意思是 对搜索用户有帮助、有用的、有益的内容,主要是强调内容的可阅读性。尽量不要关键词堆砌。 关于产品的介绍,分类词(核心词)等页面,的文字介绍大致方向: Detailed + professional introduction of this product category, you can start from the following...

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How to speed up Google's indexing of your website and submission of sitemap

How to speed up Google's indexing of your website and submission of sitemap

  • 07 13, 2022

First, directly submit the site map (sitemap) to Google, and Google will arrange crawlers to crawl the page. 1、在Google Search Console中提交sitemap.xml 2. Use the ping tool Enter: sitemap= 3. Insert the following line anywhere in the robots.txt...

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The business license of Jieying Network has been renewed

The business license of Jieying Network has been renewed

  • 06 27, 2022

On June 23, 2022, after examination by Siming District Market Supervision Administration of Xiamen City, Xiamen Jieying Network Technology Co., Ltd. of our company applied for complete materials and met the statutory form, and was allowed to register the change of business residence. Issue the latest...

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Jeawin Friendship Link Platform ( is back online

Jeawin Friendship Link Platform ( is back online

  • 05 27, 2022

Recently,杰赢友情链接平台(重新上线了。 " Jieying Friendship Link Platform"China's foreign trade website friendship link first platform! Best foreign trade website link optimization Google link construction sharing exchange website, free of charge for professional high-quality foreign trade...

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Signed the Google optimization promotion project of Zhejiang Wowo Valve Co., Ltd. English website

Signed the Google optimization promotion project of Zhejiang Wowo Valve Co., Ltd. English website

  • 03 25, 2022

Recently, Xiamen Jieying Network Technology Co., Ltd. successfully signed a contract 浙江沃沃阀门有限公司的英文网站(China Valve Manufacturers) Google SEO (Google Optimization) Promotion Project. Cooperative website: 首次合作期限:一年。 外包方式:全包(全托)。 Star rating: Two stars. Jieying Network Promotion Scheme...

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Signed a contract with Shanghai Xinqiao Pump & Valve Co., Ltd. to optimize and promote the pump website on Google

Signed a contract with Shanghai Xinqiao Pump & Valve Co., Ltd. to optimize and promote the pump website on Google

  • 02 22, 2022

Following the cooperation of, Xiamen Jieying Network Technology Co., Ltd. recently signed a contract上海信乔泵阀有限公司The pump industry (Pump)Optimization and Promotion of Foreign Trade Website Google项目。 合作网站: First cooperation period: one year. Outsourcing method:...

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Signed the Google optimization and promotion project of Xiamen Linchuang Sanitary Ware Co., Ltd.'s foreign trade English website

Signed the Google optimization and promotion project of Xiamen Linchuang Sanitary Ware Co., Ltd.'s foreign trade English website

  • 02 08, 2022

Recently, Xiamen Jieying Network Technology Co., Ltd. successfully signed a contract 厦门霖创卫浴有限公司English website of foreign trade (Bidet Toilet Seats) Google Optimization Promotion (Google SEO) Project. Cooperative website: 首次合作期限:两年。 Outsourcing method: half package (half support). Star...

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2022 Spring Festival Holiday Notice

2022 Spring Festival Holiday Notice

  • 01 28, 2022

Dear customers and friends:   2022年春节将至,现结合我司实际情况,春节放假安排如下:   2022年1月29日(农历腊月廿六)至2022年2月06日(农历正月初六)为放假时间,2022年2月07日(农历正月初七)起正常上班。   Thank you, new and old customers and friends, for your trust in our company in the past year. All employees of our company will make persistent efforts to repay your trust...

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Signed the Google optimization promotion project of Guangzhou Zihua Line Machinery Import and Export Co., Ltd.

Signed the Google optimization promotion project of Guangzhou Zihua Line Machinery Import and Export Co., Ltd.

  • 09 24, 2020

Recently, Xiamen Jieying Network Technology Co., Ltd. signed a contract广州自化线机械进出口有限公司Google SEO optimization promotion project of foreign trade website. Director of Corporate Marketing, Maticline, visited several Google SEO and Google Ads service companies throughout the country. Finally, I chose to...

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TOPPER® registered trademark successfully

TOPPER® registered trademark successfully

  • 11 20, 2019

TOPPER ® 第35类 第42类 注册商标 已注册成功。 Xiamen jieying network technology co., ltd. Application date: August 22, 2018 Key words: TOPPER, TOPPER trademark, TOPPER registered trademark topper-trade-mark

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"Foreign trade brand communication strategic partner", the preferred foreign trade marketing partner!

  • 11 09, 2019

我们杰赢网络的确帮助到很多外贸企业成功发展起来,帮助合作企业获取了的可观外贸收益。 可能是我司二次销售不足,导致这些企业经受不住竞争对手的软磨硬泡,开始乱投各种外贸营销套餐。 好处是,通过对比,突出了杰赢网络的优势。 The disadvantage is that these enterprises have caused serious waste of marketing expenses. In order to change the above situation, optimize the marketing input-output ratio of cooperative enterprises,...

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In June 2019, the Google ranking and access data of the website optimized by Jieying Company has improved

In June 2019, the Google ranking and access data of the website optimized by Jieying Company has improved

  • 07 15, 2019

长期跟踪发现,2019年6月杰赢优化的网站谷歌访问量有所提升。其中某企业站点工作日的独立IP数处于在250-300区间(图中显示274 IP),估计每月带来产品询盘邮件数量在120-180封,这比2019年初增加了近一倍,也达到了2013年最高峰时期日均700-800 IP的1/3。 说明,Google不断改善算法(算法变化)让Google SEO越来越难,让无数SEO公司改行卖谷歌广告的环境下,杰赢网络都坚持不懈,坚守底线,做最好的谷歌自然排名优化推广,得到了谷歌算法的认可,获取更好的排名,得到更好的搜索流量提升。  当然,在整个过程中Google算法恢复过程较长,有起有浮,潮起潮落,只有那些始终坚持信任杰赢的外贸企业长期获得了远高于同行业的营销投入产出比。...

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Signed a contract with Xiamen Weldon Import and Export Co., Ltd. for the foreign trade website Google SEO promotion project

Signed a contract with Xiamen Weldon Import and Export Co., Ltd. for the foreign trade website Google SEO promotion project

  • 05 21, 2019

近日,厦门杰赢网络科技有限公司签约厦门威尔登进出口有限公司的外贸网站Google SEO PromotionProject. Cooperative website:  首次合作期限:一年。 外包方式:全包(全托)。 星级:一星级。 Jieying Network promises inquiry effect: 1. Promise not to make a one-shot deal; 2. Promise not to replace SEO with Google bidding; 3. Promise not to use...

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Signed the Google SEO optimization project of the foreign trade website of Dongguan Runma Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.

Signed the Google SEO optimization project of the foreign trade website of Dongguan Runma Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.

  • 05 06, 2019

近日,厦门杰赢网络科技有限公司签约东莞市润马智能科技有限公司的Foreign trade websiteGoogle SEO OptimizationProject. Cooperative website:  首次合作期限:一年。 外包方式:全包(全托)。 Star rating: Two stars. Jieying Network promises inquiry effect: 1. Promise not to make a one-shot deal; 2,承诺不以谷歌竞价代替SEO; 3,承诺不用软件做外链。 Jay Win Reduces...

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