Five basic points you need to pay attention to when looking for an SEO company

绝大多数外贸企业几乎不可能自己运行一个SEO项目 – 至少你别想在前期有太大的发展。与此同时,你可能又不太愿意雇佣一个SEO公司. After all, you know there are a lot of SEO agencies that do a poor job, which may put you at higher risk, causing (Google's) manual punishment or算法惩罚

此外,许多SEO公司的收费是非常昂贵的。但是,如果你知道如何寻找优秀的SEO代理公司,你可以找到一个能负责的,可靠的,有能力回馈给你的投资难以置信的回报的SEO代理公司(Google Optimization Inc).



如果你正在寻找一个效果好、简单、放心可靠的搜索引擎优化公司(推荐相关阅读: 外贸企业雇佣一个优秀的Google SEO公司应该问哪些问题?), Jay Win Google Search Research Center understands that these features are essential:

1. Keep abreast of the latest SEO trends and knowledge


2. 拥有多个领域的经验

大多数搜索引擎优化公司都是多面手(通才),能够在多个领域为您提供服务,如网站内容编写,Internal optimization of websiteAnd外部链接建设。同时,他们也是专家,比如专业链接建设者或网站内部优化者。然而,搜索引擎优化是一个复杂且多层面的策略。如果你的代理公司只在一个领域有经验,它可能很难由这个领域连接到所有其他重要的搜索引擎优化领域。如果你需要SEO专家,SEO外包或许是一个更好的选择。

3. 透明度


4. 沟通联络

SEO needs to cooperate with both sides, which requires a lot of back and forth communication, Jie Win Network suggests that you want to find a SEO company that you can communicate smoothly. When you have a problem or find a problem, you need to call them, and if they want to edit content and optimize your site for your site, accurately describe (and benefit) your brand, they need to listen to you carefully. If you can, talk directly to the account manager who works for you and see how they communicate with you.

5. 可核查的历史

看一个SEO代理公司过去的客户和案例参考也是个好主意(低于RMB 150元/封询盘邮件的谷歌优化案例)。优良的历史记录是一个代理公司值得合作的最有力的证据。


There are also some major red flags. If you find the following features, you may want to continue to look for other SEO agents:

Excessive promises:SEO不能保证任何事。早期结果需要研究、努力、时间和一些运气。即便如此,进一步完善和调整是必要的,以保持良好势头。所有关于具体增长的承诺都可能是谎言。

沟通困难:如果有问题联系SEO公司,这个公司需要很长时间来回应你的电子邮件,或者如果没有可打的电话号码 – 那就放弃。你需要畅通的沟通来确保SEO项目有效运营。

可疑的定价Doubtful prices can be at two extremes. Too cheap, their operation is more likely to do more harm than good, resulting in your situation becoming worse than at first. Too expensive, you may find it difficult to see a positive return on investment.

Lack of case reference:如果一个SEO公司拒绝提供参考或不能举出任何合作客户案例,这是一个危险信号。看看是否能找到这个SEO公司的任何在线评论。

选择一个搜索引擎优化公司It's not easy, because there are many choices. But there are also some reliable and reputable search engine optimization companies. If you look long enough and remember some of the SEO company traits mentioned in this article, you will find a partner within budget who can provide you with the results you need. Don't think that looking for SEO companies is just buying products, on the contrary, it should be regarded as looking for partners. You will use this agent for a period of time (maybe months or even years), so JEAWIN knows that your focus is on how you work together.
