Common Google SEO Mistakes

In the process of Google SEO optimization, marketers will inevitably fall into various misunderstandings. In this article, Jiexin Network Marketing Agency has summarized 25 most common Google SEO misunderstandings for you, hoping to help you .
The following isGoogle SEOThe most common mistakes, and even the best Google SEO companies make some of them.
1. Settingsgoogle keywordsThe property of the tool is broad match.
The Google Keyword Tool is set to broad match by default, so SEO staff will not get any useful data. Under the condition of broad matching, countless search results including the specified keywords will be searched out. For example, a Google keyword search for “shoes” yields 304,000,000 results, but that includes “dress shoes,” “leather shoes,” “high heeled shoes,” and even “horse shoes,” “snow shoes,” and "brake shoes" and other results related to shoes that consist of multiple words.
But under the exact conditions, the search results for "shoes" suddenly dropped to 368,000. This is a surprisingly large difference from previous search result numbers. So always remember, when doing SEO keyword research in Google's Keyword Tool, choose exact results over broad match results.
2. Deny Google access in order not to index.
Ever notice those things on search engine results pages that don't have titles or code snippets? This happens when your robots.txt file denies Google bots access to a site, but because there is a link to the page, Google knows the site exists. This URL can still rank for keywords related to the anchor text in the link to the denied page. The robot rejection text is an instruction to refuse "spiders" to crawl web content, and is not used to cancel the index of the website.
If you're going to put a meta robots no index meta tag on your page, you need to allow the "spider" access to the page so it can see your meta tag. Another mistake is to use the remove URL tool in Google Webmaster Tools instead of deindexing the page, the remove tool is not for anything. Note also that there is a no-index directive in REP (Reject Spider Protocol), which the google bot follows (unofficially), and there are many more disallowed and no-index caveats in this protocol.
3. Website search result page parameters and Google Instant Search.
Here, Jiexin Internet Marketing Agency just wants to explain that you can add parameters after the URL of the Google search engine results page. I've heard people complain that when Google Instant came along, they had a hard time adding any parameters like &num=100 or &pws=0. Don't worry, just turn off Google's instant search, and the URL parameters can be added and used again.
4. Do not use user language.
Your users don't use jargon, they never say "kitchen appliances" but they use the names of small kitchen appliances that are common in the industry. They may not think in the same way you search, for example, I guess the plural form of "digital camera" must be searched more than the singular form - but according to various Google search tools, this guess is only other methods used by those around you.
Sometimes lawyers can be stubborn, like a bank lawyer who insists on using the term "home loan" but not "mortgage" (because technically the latter is a word in a "legal instrument", but Banks do not provide such instruments). Many times the right choice is already obvious, but because of internal politics or inertia, less popular terms continue to be used (e.g. people are looking for the word "hoodie" but the site only has the word "hooded sweatshirt" .
5. Skip keyword brainstorming.
It is rare for JEASIN to hear that website planning is carried out through keyword brainstorming. Keyword brainstorming can be done with Google Suggest (Google's own system that automatically completes searches based on what you type) or Soovle (also searches Google, Bing, Yahoo, YouTube, Wikipedia, Amazon, and result) is just as easy, but it's a bit inappropriate to skip this process.
For example, a baby furniture manufacturer identified trends in baby names by observing popular words beginning with "baby," and decided to add a section to the site dedicated to related terms ("Baby Name Trends," "Baby Name Meanings"). , "Baby names used too often" etc.)
6. willURLAssociated with keywords, but not in any other way.
It is standard operating procedure to reflect all the content of the website by keywords (sometimes referred to as primary keywords, specific search terms or valuable words). A less common approach is to make a list of target keywords, put each keyword on the most appropriate page, and then optimize the pages related to "keywords and website URLs" to improve the keyword ranking of that page.
For example, the keyword "vegetarian restaurants in Phoenix" can be associated with five different websites, but in the end it will choose the best one, and then optimize the internal link structure to meet the requirements of the best website. In other words, point the anchor text internal links containing keywords to the best page, instead of pointing to these five pages scattered.
7. Start a blog that can be hosted for free.
Platforms like WordPress and Blogger that host blogs for free will serve you well. More than 18 million blogs are hosted on WordPress. If I cared about SEO or website value, I would not accept the services of these sites. They don’t have the flexibility to install plugins or themes/frameworks of your own choice to spruce up your blog with SEO. Don't make your blog look like an offshoot of your Wordpress site. Jiexin Internet Marketing Agency suggests that you can use your own domain name to open a high-quality account on their website for $10 per year.
8. Failure to disable Google Personalization in due course.
Not long ago, Google opened personalized search results exclusively for unregistered users. For those of you who think you can log out and get impersonal results, I tell you this: it's not. Click "Site History" on the Google search engine page, then click "Depersonalize search results." Or in a separate query, you can append &pws=0 to the URL of the Google search engine results page (but only works if Google's instant search is turned off.)
9. Failure to register on the free tool.
We all often use some web-based tools, such as Google Trends (a search product of Google), if not registered, Google Trends will either limit the functionality of the website, or give incomplete (or inaccurate) information . Pay attention to the fact that the Google Keyword Tool will say: "Log in to see detailed search results."
10. The popular search terms on the homepage of the website are not linked to related pages.
The content of the homepage of the website should be classified from the perspective of SEO. The same is true if you have a tag cloud. And the "Hot Products" featured on your site, mentally translate "Hot Products" into "I would most like to be pushed to the first page of Google".
11. You don’t return a 404 status code when you should.
It is very important to return a 404 status code (not 200 or 301) when the URL is clearly bogus or does not exist. Otherwise, Google will consider your website not trustworthy, and Google checks this frequently.
12. Not linking to pages that link to your site.
Many amateur SEOs overlook the importance of this. It is difficult for commercial sites to get an external link that links directly to your website, but once you have a good link, it is much easier to link build this page on the linking site, so that You will get indirect website authority transfer.
13. Go beyond SEO copy or links used against spider bots.
Many websites have a few paragraphs of text below the home page footer (that is, after the copyright and legal notices), which is what I call SEO copy. Website owners often insert text with many keywords within the copy. They even give every link a strong label. Is there anything unclear? I was wondering if you would put the HTML comment right after the phrase "SEO spider food" (maybe "insert keyword spam for Google" would be more appropriate here?)
14. Canonical tags are not used.
Canonical tags (link elements) may not be useful all the time, but using them will certainly not cause any damage to the website, so Jiexin Network recommends using them, especially in e-commerce websites. If your product can have many categories and generate different URLs, then the canonical tag can help you fix it.
15. Enter a certain server IP without checking the neighbors.
When you're buying a house, you're sure to know the schools and crime rates around you, right? By the same token, why not check your surroundings when your website moves to a new IP address? Usually, larger SEO companies will have dedicated staff responsible for checking the surrounding IP environment. This is especially important for small businesses where you don't want to share an IP address with a bunch of dodgy Cialis (Viagra) sites.
16. Do too many internal links.
Don't just do too many links within the site, so that there will be very few links to your page elsewhere. Article pages should flow to relevant topics that the page ranks in rather than all the visible places (i.e. hundreds of links).
17. Trust the data in Google Webmaster Tools.
Haven't you ever noticed that the data provided by Google Webmaster Tools and your own analysis are very different? Believe in the data you analyze yourself.
18. Present your site at a meeting with Google engineers and get public opinion.
Unless you are very sure that there is nothing wrong with the surrounding environment of the website and external links, otherwise, doing so is no different from suicide.
19. Use PPC to assist with organic search.
It really hurts to have to pay for website traffic that you could get for free.
20. Confusing cause and effect.
Someone told JEASIN that they added an H1 tag to their site and the rankings did improve after that, and the first thing JEASIN asked was: "Do you have large title text in your website, just change a small tag to H1, Or adding a headline with keywords that hasn’t been seen before?” The answer is often the latter. The keyword-rich text at the top of the page will greatly increase the popularity of the keyword. The H1 tag only plays a related role and will not have a big impact.
21. Never thought about your hypothetical "ex-cons" at Google.
Google may not document all the wrongdoings of your site with a "criminal file", but they would be fools if they didn't leave some evidence. Submitting a site to 800+ junk directories in three days is just as stupid. It's not hard to see noticeable shifts in SEO links on Majestic, it's much easier to see these anomalies on Google.
22. Don’t use multiple targeting texts.
It just doesn't look natural, try to diversify the external links.
23. Treat all links in Yahoo's external link detection tool as "follow links".
Don’t ask me why there are nofollow links in Yahoo Site Explorer’s reports, but it is true that many Yahoo Site Explorer users mistakenly assume all links under the “Backlinks” option as follow link juice.
24. Submit a reconsideration request to Google before all content has been processed.
This may not be the most common mistake, many SEO companies never submit a Reconsideration Request to Google. If you have to do this, or plan to do it, make sure everything -- JEASIN says "everything" -- has been cleaned up, and you document this in your application.
25. Submitting content to social networking sites using non-privileged user accounts.
There's nothing worse than a submission from an unknown user with no history, no followers and no street cred. Power users still play a big role, and Digg bloggers may redesign their site.
Special tip from Jiexin Internet Marketing Agency: Stop focusing on activities that are of low value (or no value at all). Focus on what matters, and focus on the outcome rather than the process.
