This rule is triggered when PageSpeed Insights detects that your server response does not contain an explicit cache header or that some resources are specified to be cached only for a short period of time.


Browser caching of static resources can save users time if they visit your site multiple times. Cache headers should be applied to all cacheable static resources, not just to a small number of static resources (for example, pictures). Cacheable resources include JS and CSS files, image files, and other binary object files (media files, PDF files, and so on). Typically, HTML is not a static resource and should not be considered a cacheable resource by default. You should consider which caching policies apply to the HTML of your website.



  • ExpiresSet it to a future date, at least one week and at most one year (we tend to setExpires,而不设置Cache-Control: max-age,因为前者受支持的范围更为广泛)。请勿将其设为超过一年的将来日期,因为这样就违反了RFC准则。
  • If you know exactly when the resource will change, you can set a shorter expiration date. However, if you think the resource "may be about to change" but do not know the exact time, you should set a longer expiration date and use URL fingerprints (as described below).

Expires and Cache-Control: max-age header



这些标头可用于指定浏览器应如何确定用于缓存的文件是否相同。在Last-ModifiedThe date is specified in the header, while the date specified in theETag标头中指定的则可以是唯一标识资源的任意值(通常为文件版本或内容哈希值)。Last-Modified是功能“较弱”的缓存标头,因为浏览器会使用试探法来确定是否需要从缓存中抓取内容。

With these headers, browsers can effectively update their cached resources by issuing a conditional GET request when the user explicitly reloads the page. A conditional GET request does not return a complete response unless you change the resource on the server side, so such a request has less latency than a complete GET request.


对于所有可缓存资源,指定一个ExpiresCache-Control max-ageAnd aLast-ModifiedETag至关重要。您没必要同时指定ExpiresAndCache-Control: max-age;或同时指定Last-ModifiedETag

Use URL fingerprints





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