Xiamen Qizhe clothing website Google optimization promotion effect feedback

Xiamen Qizhe clothing website Google optimization promotion effect feedback

新年伊始,杰赢网络就收到厦门祺喆服饰有限公司Thank you from Mr. Tomy Xiao, CEO of (MZ Garment Co., LTD). Half-year feedbackGoogle SEO Optimization PromotionSince then, the effect has become more and more obvious!





I personally feel that the effect is becoming more and more obvious now...
Thank you again for your efforts
At least it is much more than the effective inquiry we put into Alibaba...


It's very good...
Let's make persistent efforts...

Customers also put forward new expectations:

I found that basically all the inquiries are European customers
Because my products are in large quantities in the American market...

Mainly engaged in children's wear and swimwear foreign trade ( Kids Wear & Swimwear OEM)的厦门祺喆服饰有限公司(MZ Garment Co., LTD)与杰赢网络公司2016年签订谷歌SEO优化推广协议The website was officially launched on July 5, 2016Google Optimization PromotionWork.

The first three months of promotion are the initial stage from 0, and it is normal that the effect is not ideal. Tomy was anxious to see the effect at that time, but he might be frustrated if he was not as ideal as he thought, and he still had doubts about the optimization and promotion of Jieying.


As soon as the construction started after the Spring Festival of 2017, Tomy reported that the promotion effect became more and more obvious, and brand customers came to consult one after another. The feeling of questioning disappears, and I am looking forward to Jie's win more and more! I hope there will be better precipitation after the year. At the same time, he began to recommend Jieying Network to his foreign trade help group and friends circle.

At the beginning of the New Year, I received feedback from Qi Zhe Xiao on the promotion effect of Google SEO, and also helped introduce customers, which greatly encouraged the morale and confidence of Jie Ying's friends: "Helping others, being happy and helping yourself". In the following days, I believe that the longer the Qizhe website will precipitate, the better. Through joint efforts, the Qizhe website will be by going up one flight of stairs, and the inquiry emails in the new year will come one after another!
