Xiamen Meike Security upgraded the third-year Google SEO contract of Jieying Network "happily"

厦门美科安防”痛快”升级杰赢网络Google SEO第三年合同

通过两年来双方密切合作,厦门美科安防科技有限公司Make Locks Manufacturer Co., Ltd.) formally decided to upgrade the level of cooperation with Jieying Network. From 2017 (the third cooperation year),合作方案由一星级升级为两星级Google SEO方案。


美科的创始团队成员如林总,谢总等都非常年轻,在外贸营销上都极具开拓意识,很早以前就有很强烈的Foreign trade network marketingConsciousness, especially attach importance to SEO, early years have cooperated with many big-name foreign trade SEO companies, but the investment has failed, and the effect is not good, taking a lot of detours and missing a lot of time.


According to Xie Zong, (in view of the newly-built factory building of Meike Company, it is second to none in the lock industry), as long as it is a regular customer, it can be guided to the factory, basically placing 100% orders and forming a long-term cooperative relationship. Thus Google SEO Optimization得来的外贸客户有着极高的转化率。正如我们所说的“不一定能无中生有,力挽狂澜,但一定会雪中送炭,锦上添花”。

杰赢网络自始至终本着为客户创造价值,长久合作的信念,客户续约率一直处于外贸SEO行业第一,每年客户续约率都超过85%。希望新的一年杰赢能帮助更多外贸企业做好Google SEOI also wish Xiamen Meike Security Technology Co., Ltd. by going up one flight of stairs in the new year!

Merco Inquiry News, January 2017, removed duplicate and spam inquiries, and obtained 45 valid inquiry emails through Google SEO!

美科升级杰赢Google SEO方案, 生意蒸蒸日上
